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A Week In London, NHM 59.

Wildlife photographer of the year has been a competition that succeeding in became my biggest goal and dream as a seventeen year old kid. I knew this was the last year I would be able to enter the young WPOTY competition and that was my dream, proving myself that what I think of myself is true.

I remember getting the message that I won the 15-17 yo category, the second I saw it was from the Natural History museum and read the first line I had goosbumps and cried.

In October my dad and I flew to London, and later the rest of my family joined. The ceremony and everything surrounding it in the NHM, was absolutely fantastic, it was an amazing opportunity to talk and get to know some of the best photographers in the world.

I have watched the award ceremony of the competition from previous years many times. this is the moment I went up on stage for the second time to receive my grand title award. I remembered, how I saw different photographers from previous years doing the same, how the camera showed them walking though the see of lit up tables from above. What isn't shown in on youtube is how it looks to view the extraordinary room full of light from stage. what a magical night.

In the last days in London I spent an evenening photographing in Richmond park. this was really fun and made think of how to make interesting images of subjects that were already photographed in the dame place tens of thousands of times. as always I stayed as late as possible, and my favorite images are from that time.

What an amazing trip, all thanks to my amazing parents, the fantastic competition, and a lot of hard work, failure, and much thought.

Images from the award ceremony ; credit to the Trustees Of The Natural History Museum

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